1.Turk said the operation is a very clear indication of the intolerance of the ruling party to the election results.
2.Adding these devices to a room is bound to create excitement, along with a clear indication of a build's status.
3.It seems to be a clear indication of the dangerous influence of the lobbies of proprietary software manufacturers on the commission.
4.The assets invested by a controlling shareholder in a listed company shall be independent, complete and with clear indication of ownership.
5.Failure to identify common services or lack of realizing service sharing is also a clear indication that this antipattern has being applied.
6.There was no clear indication that the gene patents blocked innovation and put them all at risk.
7.Not all materials produce stress-strain diagrams on which there is a clear indication of the start of yielding as the load is increased.
8.Having ascended, it is a clear indication that all members are of such a high vibration that they represent Love and Light.
9.It demonstrates our genuine commitment to the environment and is a further clear indication of our objective to reduce packaging waste.
10.Indian researchers said there was a "clear indication" that pollinator abundance was linked to productivity.